
14 - 15 Okt. 2023


10:00 pm - 5:00 am

Open Sesame x

The latest installment of Open Sesame lands at Untertage!

With its roots established through our events in 2023, we are excited to bring you the next evolution of Open Sesame.

Get ready for a night packed full of delicious house, electro and techno at this unique underground location in Berlin, Mehringdamm. Bring your smiles, your friends and let’s dance through the night!

Our resident DJs Kayoso, Camo Braxton and Sesame will each bring their tantalising blend of sounds to the evening. They will be joined by special guests PABLO from THE INTERNET and Khal_aus from the Disco Garten Collective.

This event is open to everyone. NO RACISM, NO SEXISM, NO HOMOPHOBIA, NO TRANSPHOBIA.

– 13 Euro pre-sale
– 15 Euro box office – cash only!

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